Apr 10Liked by Asha Dornfest

These photos are incredible and I'm sure they pale in comparison to what it actually looked like. How cool.

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Aren’t they incredible? Hayley schlepped her tripod in her suitcase and read up on how to photograph the lights using her phone. She’s also got the persistence to keep at it for long enough to get a few good shots.

What’s interesting is that the lights themselves are more subtle to the naked eye. They looked like colored mist or steam to us. Those bright colors only showed up with long-exposure photography.

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Apr 10Liked by Asha Dornfest

WWOWOWOWOWOW!!!! How did it feel???? I'm dying to know!!!

My "someday" is Monument Valley in Utah. Every time I look at a photo of it, I feel like my legs might collapse. Maybe it's time to start thinking about booking....

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Apr 10Liked by Asha Dornfest

PS just looked at the pics of Angel's Landing and it had the same effect!!

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It felt like a combo of awe, disbelief, and uncontrollable excitement. It was just…it was…there’s no way to describe how incredible it felt.

Monument Valley!! What a gorgeous place. Oh Em, there is so much natural splendor in Utah.

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These photos! This story. This reminder. Thank you Asha. (And I'm so glad my last post resonated with you. I'd rather be watching the Northern Lights than buried in TikTok, that's for sure.) xo

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Apr 10Liked by Asha Dornfest

My someday is completing a trip that I call the Heritage Tour. My kids are biracial and have confirmed ancestry in four countries outside the U.S., plus suspected ancestry in two more. We’ve taken them to one of these countries, a trip that I consider the first leg of the Heritage Tour. Someday we’ll do the other legs. Probably not all at once, but then again … why not?!

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Wow, Amy, that sounds like an experience that would reveal itself to your kids for their entire lives. What a wonderful idea.

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Apr 10Liked by Asha Dornfest

I have only been to Zion NP in the winter so I wouldn't let my husband hike Angels Landing but we did the hike the trail directly across from it. It was in the shade so it was pretty icy but there were chains on the side of the mountain, so no big deal!

I would really like to go to Prince Edward Island someday and sit on a red sand beach.

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The last time I was in Zion, we hiked to Scout Lookout — the spot right before the trail to Angel’s Landing. There were kids hiking it in flip flops, and I could barely watch.

Red sand beach on Prince Edward Island? *opens new tab to Google*

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Apr 10Liked by Asha Dornfest

My mom and I hiked Angel's Landing in 2000 right after I graduated from college. We are both pretty adventurous and for some reason I don't remember it being very scary but when I look at photos now, I'm impressed we did it! I have a real fascination/love for volcanic environments. In January 2020, my husband and I went to the Big Island of Hawaii for 3 days and I LOVED being able to walk on the lava flows that formed in 2018, still warm to the touch and steaming. I also took a trip to Yellowstone in 2021 with my oldest son and was completely enamored. One of my "some days" is going to Iceland and now this summer we have a trip to Iceland planned! We have had to cancel a lot of plans in the last 4 years, first due to Covid like everyone else, but also due to the health of my aging parents and other things. And I am keeping all my fingers and toes crossed that this trip to Iceland actually happens. Your line, "Lowering my expectations is sneaky protection against the vulnerability of a big dream," really spoke to me as I have a real tendency towards this these days. Even though our trip is only 2 months away now, I have resisted getting too excited for it which is kind of a bummer. So happy for you that you were able to see the aurora and had such a fabulous trip with your cousins!

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I loved reading this, Kathleen. We were on the volcano on the big island in 2002 or 2003, and we got to see the lava flowing. It was absolutely remarkable. But then our son, who was 3 at the time, threw an epic tantrum and we left in a hurry. My fingers are crossed for your Iceland trip. Re: hesitation to get excited…it makes so much sense given the uncertainty and grief of these last four years. I’ve had to re-learn too.

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Apr 12Liked by Asha Dornfest

I have a list of places I'd like to visit over the next few years, but maybe I should prioritize the one I really want to make before I turn 60. I'd love to go to the Galapagos Islands. We will have to deliberate about whether we bring the kids (22, 20, 14) since as they get older it's extremely hard to plan in advance with them.

My husband and youngest went up Angel's Landing about 5 years ago. They came down a little shaken and suggested it was probably for the best I didn't see what they did. I stayed below with the older 2, one of whom had an injury. It is not on my list of hikes to do, but I would like to go back to Utah and hike at Bryce.

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Those photos are gorgeous! Bravo to your cousin!

I do not have a distinct bucket list. And because the last few years have been a roller coaster of health scares and unexpected job losses that resulted in canceled trips, I feel cynical about the idea of planning ahead.

To give myself something to look forward to this year, though, I’m hoping to visit each of my cousins who live in wine country within driving distance of me in opposite directions. I *will* have adventure… even if on a budget.

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