Parent of Adults Affiliate Link Policy

Updated 06/29/24

When I mention books or products, I usually link to a merchant with an affiliate link. If you buy through that link, the merchant pays me a small referral commission at no cost to you.

I default to Amazon because I’m most familiar with their affiliate program. When I talk about books, I also include a link to if available.

I only link to products that are relevant to the conversation and/or I can wholeheartedly recommend.

I don’t accept payment or free products or anything else in exchange for coverage.

Shopping through my links supports my work. Affiliate links generate a fraction of this newsletter’s income, but every bit helps and is appreciated. That said, I get that you might not want to shop at Amazon (or shop at all!). Feel free to consider my links informational.

Thanks for reading — I appreciate that you care about the details.